please take time to read this thoroughly as it will minimize any misunderstanding we might have. If you have any questions feel free to refer to the FAQ or ask me.

Terms of Service

1. Do not send any money before I have agreed to a commission, I will regard it as a donation and not a payment.
Payments like these have put me in a difficult position in the past, so please wait until I've explicitly said you can send the money over and have specified how much that should be.
2. My turn around time varies depending on the piece, from a couple of days to a couple of months. Please be patient.
Sketches, cheebs, and the like will be done quicker than rendered pieces and full scenes. I am a full-time student and a part-time worker, so please bare with me as I finish your commission. I will supply you with as many WIPs and updates as you want and will ask for approval on various stages of work.
3. I do payments up front for first time clients. Returning clients have the option of paying after the sketch
If you have never commissioned me before, I require payment upfront before I begin the artwork. Returning commissioners have the option of paying after the sketch has been approved.
4. I retain the right to refuse a commission request for whatever reason.
Sometimes I just don't feel comfortable drawing something so please respect that. Don't feel afraid to ask if you are unsure of what I will and wont draw. I am open to almost everything with a few exceptions.
5. I allow minor changes and tweaking to be made for free after I had delivered the first sketch. Major charges apply after that.
As stated before, I will supply many WIPs of the process, a concept sketch and a final sketch are your two main opportunities for large changes free of charge. I will not be changing anything major (pose, OC, etc) after the sketch is approved without a compensation fee. This fee will vary depending on the severity of changes.
6. My prices are non negotiable.
Just a few of years ago I was working for 50 cents an hour. I make a living off of my art and it can take me several hours over multiple days to finish. Please be respectful of that.
7. I do full refunds only if I hadn't yet started the commission.
I understand that life happens and sometimes you back out, but giving you a full refund after the art has been started would be a loss on my end. I will retain the money for what I've already drawn. We can discuss a refund if it's been 3 months and I haven't started yet.
8. Complexity can result in the price rising.
Overly complicated and detailed designs and scenes are stuff that takes me a lot of time to do, and prices will reflect that. Unusual requests can also result in a price increase. This includes but is not limited to: multiple wings/limbs, armour, complicated markings/clothing, etc.
9. I retain ownership of my work, you may not distribute it and claim it as your own, nor may you profit off of it. My work is for personal use only unless stated otherwise.
This is art I make for you, please do not use it commercially (such as selling prints). You are free to share the art and post it on your social media, but you must link back to any of my accounts. You can use it as a banner or profile picture on all social media except Twitch and Youtube.
10. Work for commercial use warrants a 150% price increase.
If you wish to use my work commercially (aka profit off of it), the price will increase by 150% and you're free to do and profit off of the art however you wish (ie, making/selling merch, using it as a twitch avatar, brand mascot, etc). you MUST notify me of any kind of profit and what you intend to use the art for before we agree on a commission.
11. You may share any WIP I send you, with credit and a link back to any of my social media accounts.
As previously stated, you are free to share the art I make for you, including WIPs. Please link back to a social media account of mine when you do so.
12. I will only work with reference sheets I can colour pick from. No shading and no character description (exceptions are a design or a reference sheet commissions)
I will not work with characters that do not have a proper reference sheet. This means a full body that clearly shows the design and/or a box I can colour pick from. Drawing from shaded references and character descriptions is only allowed when you are commissioning me for a character design or a reference sheet.
13. My work may NEVER be turned into an NFT or used for AI training, under any circumstances.
This warrants an immediate and permanent blacklist.
14. You may count my work towards OC value for it's full price upon requiring it.
Even if you got it at a discount, free, etc. you may count it for its, full regular price.

Frequently asked Questions

1. How much does adding extra characters add to the price?
X characters = X price
2 characters would be double the price, 3 characters would be triple, etc...
I can add up to 10 characters in a single artwork.
2. Are payment plans available?
Payment plans are available for payments above €100 and we can discuss details in DMs.
3. What forms of payment do you accept?
I accept payments through PayPal and Ko-Fi, and my currency is euro. Please make sure to convert to that before sending the money over. On rare occasions I accept $10 Nitro.
4. I want to commission you but your commissions are closed. What do I do?
If you want to commission me while my commissions are closed, you can message me (discord is quickest, go back to the main page for all my socials) and I will put you on a waitlist, next time I open commissions you can claim a slot before anyone else does.
5. Do you do free art?
6. Will you supply WIPs?
Yes, I will supply shots of:
• concept sketch
• final sketch
• line art
• colouring
• final result.
If you want anymore, feel free to ask. I'm more than happy to update you of my progress.
7. What are you willing to draw?
• MLP/ponies
• Feral animals
• Furry/anthro
• Humanoids
• Gore
• Scenery
• NSFW or lewd (substitutes a price increase, proof of age required)
• Etc. anything not on the list below is free game, feel free to ask.
8. What are you not willing to draw?
• mecha/robotics
• offensive art (homophobic, racist, etc.)
• anything that makes me uncomfortable (such as a diabetic OC, diabetes is a massive trigger for me)
Please feel free to ask if you are unsure if your request is risqué.
9. What about blacklisted people?
You may not, under any circumstances, commission art from me on the behalf of people I've blacklisted. I do not wish for them to have my art or designs in their possession, and I will not let anyone buy in their name.


these are people who have been blacklisted by me. these people may not receive any of my designs, art etc, directly or indirectly. please keep this in mind when trading designs you get from me!
If you are unsure a person is the same as one on my BL, dm me and i will tell you.
1. xYStormWolfYx
2. Starsia Draws
3. Khianite/Marcus/BGM